Friday, October 28, 2011

October 28, 2011
I got up at 5:30am and it was already pouring rain and it didn’t stop all day. The temperature hovered around 50 degrees and I could see my breath when I poked my head through the kitchen window to check out the scene. Wish I could have stayed home until it was time to go the PedInst, but I needed to add money to my cell phone and see the dean at the Russian University at 11:00. Typical Tajik behavior, he wasn’t in his office and his assistant tried to cajole me into teaching a class, as apparently a teacher was missing. I told her I wasn’t prepared to teach and needed to run some errands before going to my actual classes. She seemed miffed, but asked me to return in an hour when the dean would, for sure, be available. Went to Formula I Café for lunch and a helpful young guy there helped add money to my cell and get the receipt. The offerings were paltry and I settled for a rice pilau, Afghanistan style, with raisins and cashews. I then saw something with beans and added it to my tray. It was quite tasty as it had pieces of pumpkin and potatoes. Back to the university trying to avoid the ever-widening puddles and up to the fifth floor once again to find out that the dean was partaking in the celebration of some colleague’s birthday and had not returned yet. I left message for him to call me if he was still interested.

The trolley was completely packed with wet people carrying umbrellas and packages. All windows were closed and the heater on, so it was a bit suffocating. Pariso was waiting for me in her office and I saw a couple of students hand her in some money. I asked if she was collecting money for a special event, and she replied that was money the students were paying for extra lessons she had given them. The rate is ten somonis, or about 2.50 an hour. We proceeded to building #7 where the Halloween celebration was going to take place. I still didn’t understand exactly what the students were going to present, but was told they had been rehearsing for week. To sum it up, all I can said is that except for the two carved pumpkins and the candy distributed to the audience at the end, I have no idea how this could be related to said holiday. There were some skits, some students sang and at the end they all danced. End of story.

                             Halloween celebration at the PedInst

Although I was told that afternoon classes would most likely be cancelled after the performance, my students were waiting for me and Pariso said I had to teach them then. It was a long afternoon.

                              Two of my colleagues at the English Language Faculty

Shared many cups of tea with Caroline while relating our respective experiences and then more soup and bread at your usual place. Miserable walk home under the rain, the fog and the cold. Happy to get home and get into my pajamas and turn on the portable heater full blast.

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