Saturday, November 26, 2011

November 26, 2011
As predicted, snow started falling in the early morning. I was so glad I didn’t have plans to go anywhere until Ryan called to invite me to lunch along with Elisabeth. I was all cozied up in my PJs and wanted nothing else but to stay home and just read, nap and watch movies. I informed Elisabeth of the invite, but didn’t include myself. Yoomie called later on to entice to come to Ryan’s so we could watch movies, but I could do that at my place without having to get dressed and deal with the snow. So I stayed home and apologized. Elisabeth texted later on to say she was staying home as well and she’s from Pennsylvania!

I was grateful to still have the Thanksgiving Day leftovers and not to have to bother  cooking today. Then decided it was a good day to start studying from my Russian textbook, “Russian for Dummies”, while agreeing that the language has way too may consonants and too few vowels. I’m only grateful that it’s an entirely phonetic language, thus very similar to Spanish so that what you see is what you say. It also helps that just like English, Russian has borrowed a large number of words from both Latin and Greek thus making it easier for me to recognize quite a few cognates. I do need to take some formal lessons to get me started and have been postponing the process until my work scheduled was completely finalized. It’s time to take the plunge.

In the evening, I watched “Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle”, a cheesy movie that some critics had recommended as representing a segment of American culture that doesn’t get enough coverage in your average movie. I could have done without the scatological jokes, but overall it was all right. I then listened to some of George Carlin’s words of wisdom before going to bed to read from “Flaubert’s Parrot” by Julian Barnes, a sarcastic analysis about literature and its critics.

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